UPDATED April 28 2021 per Jeff Heinz
Please do not use the ccsupport@hu-friedy.com email for customer care requests. This goes to a different side of customer care and will delay the response time.
Please use orders@accutron-inc.com email for ALL of your customer care requests (RMA, ETA, etc.), no need to cc other customer care reps on this. This creates a case in SFDC and Mary Ellen will assign the task to someone on the customer care team to take care of your request.
For extremely critical issues that require additional assistance please send to Mary Ellen Frese at mfrese@hu-friedy.com or her cell at 913-424-0409.
Technical Support Needs
Eastern Region - George Kyriakou GKyriakou@accutron-inc.com and
Ben VanPelt BVanPelt@accutron-inc.com
Western Region – Jeff Heinz jheinz@crosstex.com
Additional Support – Kim Nine KNine@accutron-inc.com
Training Requests
Any requests for training should be sent to Jeff Heinz at jheinz@crosstex.com
We appreciate your continued support.
Thank you,
Jeff Heinz George Kyriakou Ben VanPelt
Sales Manager Sr. Technical Specialist Director Engineering
Cell - 480.336.0340 Cell - 623.377.4016 Cell – 480.262.3847